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NAFTA effects on Mexico essays

NAFTA impacts on Mexico articles The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been executed with the expectations to in the long r...

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Ball Again Initiative An Overview - 1222 Words

1. Provide an overview of the initiative/program. In your overview you will be required to outline: The Ball Again initiative is one approach in which England Basketball is trying to increase the number of general public who play basketball. With support from sports coach UK, Sport England and selected county sports partnerships (CSPs), England Basketball has been able to measure the number and availability of possible coaches for the Ball Again initiative Ball Again is a participant-centred package of coaching and games, designed for participants aged 15 and over. The initiative offers a relaxed reintroduction to basketball for players who have played a little or a lot in the past and who want to get back into it. It is also geared in†¦show more content†¦2. Analyse the participation rates in the related sport pre and post implementation. This should be illustrated through the use of charts and graphs (as per Topic 7) 3. Analyse the post implementation participation rates against the identified aims of the program prior to commencement. You will be required to comment on whether the program has been successful or not and why you believe this position. If the program is not yet completed its lifecycle, you will be required to comment on whether they will be able to achieve the pre implementation targets. The ball again initiative successfully completed their target of 400 new participants, Weekly participants at least partaking 1 day of the week increased from 5292 to 6300 increasing 16%, as well as Monthly participants at least partaking 1 day of the month increased from 18988 to 20982 increasing 9.5%, over four areas across the country. Faced with the challenge of recruiting 400 new participants into four areas across the country, England Basketball displayed how the innovative use of existing methods can expose new opportunities right on your doorstep. Ball again initiative was very successful in achieving 400 new participants in 4 areas across the country as over 1 year both weekly and monthly participants increased dramatically. If you

Monday, December 16, 2019

Dante’s Inferno Free Essays

Using support from the piece, do you believe the penalties suit the crime? Yes , I believe it, because i believe in the rule â€Å"eye for an eye†, and i believe to and in the story explained me that God created hell to satisfy His need for justice suggests that He would apply the same sense of justice to the assignment of punishments. and one the line that Dante’s Inferno used come from the inscription found above the gates of hell. It speaks of enduring suffering eternally, and warns the condemned to â€Å"abandon every hope† (canto III. We will write a custom essay sample on Dante’s Inferno or any similar topic only for you Order Now ). The condemned are warned not to hold out hope for anything, including the hand of God Himself. The correlation that Dante establishes between the sins a soul commits on earth and their punishment in hell is impossible to overlook. The wrathful attack one another (canto VII), the gluttonous are forced to eat excrement (canto VI). The inscription over the gates of hell in canto III clearly states that God, or the Divine Authority, was urged on by His sens of justice to create hell (canto III. -5) God created hell to punish sinners, and the applicability of hell’s specific punishments reinforce the idea that God made it for a definite purpose. What are some differences between Upper and Lower Hell? Hell is divided into two parts: the upper hell consisting of 5 circles and the lower hell composed of 4 circles. The Wretched of the lower hell are held â€Å"in anger† by God and not the upper hell. The upper hell has to do with sins of incontinence, which is dropped by a temptation. The Wretched of the upper hell have lost â€Å"control â€Å", that’s mean with no resistance for his dedication to the fervor of passion, not a true evil inside, which excludes them from the â€Å"wrath. † The lower Hell is when a sin is planned that is, for the human act whose purpose is to affect another human being, with physical damage to the person or his things, or fraud that is also object of physical or moral harm. What are some differences between Dante’s perspective of Hell and yours? The Dante’s perspective of hell is depicted as a â€Å"funnel† made up of 9 concentric circles, beginning the journey through the largest of them as you go shrinking circles will, hell is divided into nine concentric circles, as below comes more cruelty is present. for me in general idea God created hell for the sinners and all that was committed here on earth will pay, but about 9 circles, I do not think, because I think there are many thousands of sin and between sin and other sin there is no difference, everything is paid in life, and that’s why God created hell, the only salvation is Jesus Christ. How to cite Dante’s Inferno, Papers Dante’s Inferno Free Essays Dante Algheri’s poem, the Inferno, attempts to perfect the concept of Divine Justice. Main Christian religious ideals and Dante’s political views and past encompass the concept of Divine Justice. Dante, born in 1265 in Florence, Italy, belonged to a family intensely involved in the political scene at a time of upheaval and unrest. We will write a custom essay sample on Dante’s Inferno or any similar topic only for you Order Now Dante augmented his political standing by holding several public offices at a time of political unrest, and further, exiled from Florence. Dante’s political beliefs and past reflect the essence and spirit of divine justice in the Inferno. At the opening of Canto III, inscribed at the gate of Hell, reveals it as a place constructed by Divine Justice, Omnipotence, and Love. â€Å"Through me the way into the suffering city†¦ Justice urged on my high artificer; my maker was divine authority, the highest wisdom, and the primal love†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (21). This inscription sets a religious tone, and implies that justice would be substantiated by strict doctrinal Christian values. While The Inferno, a strongly religious poem influenced by Christian morality, Dante incorporates his political ideals in his attempt to define Justice. Dante places numerous political figures through out the different levels of Hell. Farinata, the leader of the Gibellines in Florence, the party that opposed Dante’s Guelphs resides in the sixth level of Hell. Another Guelph, Brunetto Latini, Dante’s teacher at his university and a sodomite, resides in the seventh circle of Hell. Also, in the Seventh circle of Hell, Dante reveals his disdain for Florence, when he talks to three Florentine souls, expressing that arrogance reigns the damned city, â€Å"Newcomers to the city and quick gains have brought excess and arrogance to you, o Florence† (147). Dante reveals the corrupt political nature of Florence by placing numerous Florentine souls in Hell. More importantly, Dante reveals the epitome of injustice through the corruption and turmoil of Florence. While religion, a guiding force behind Dante’s vision of divine justice, Dante’s political views came to contradict important Christian doctrine and the Catholic Church. In the Eighth circle of Hell, Dante expresses his greatest criticism of the Catholic Church by placing Pope Nicholas III. Dante shows the Pope no pity, â€Å"stay as you are, for you are rightly punished,† (173) and further scorns all corrupt churchmen, â€Å"I’d utter words much heavier than these, because your avarice afflicts the world: it tramples on the good, lifts up the wicked. (173) Dante suggests a key factor to achieving justice, a separate but equal Church and state. In the ninth circle of Hell, Dante places the still living, Florentine souls Bocca defli Abata and Fra Alberigo, as traitors against their guests. Dante illustrates the worthiness of their punishment and the corruption they have caused in Florence, Ah, Genoese, a people strange to every constraint of custom, full o f all corruption, why have you not been driven from the world? For the foulest sprit of Romagna, I found one of you such that, for his acts, in soul he bathes already in Cocytus and up above appears alive, in body. (309) Dante expresses the intensity of the corruption in Florence, and demonstrates this by placing two Florentian souls in one of the worst levels of Hell. More importantly, by placing these souls in Hell prior to their physical death, Dante greatly contradicts orthodox Christian doctrine. More contradictory, in the absolute lowest level of Hell, Dante places Brutus and Cassius, who murdered Julius Caesar, next to Judas Iscariot who betrayed Christ. Dante equalizes both Caesar and Christ as benefactors. Just as Christ represents the perfect manifestation of religion, Caesar embodies the perfect manifestation of secular government. While Judas should clearly experience harsher punishment, based on Christian morality, he only experiences a slightly worse punishment than Brutus and Caissus. Clearly, Dante’s vision of morality unites both politics and religion. Dante’s political past with Florence immensely influences his writing in The Inferno. Dante repeatedly places Florentine souls in Hell, and further elaborates his political views and ideals, most notably, his view of a separate but equal Church and state. In the final level of hell Dante patently unites his political and religious views of moral justice by showing Lucifer and three greatest sinners of all time—Judas, the betrayer of Christ, and Cassius and Brutus, the betrayers of Julius Caesar. The incorporation of political ideals with religious ones encompasses Dante’s view of divine morality. How to cite Dante’s Inferno, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

My Earliest Recollection of Dance free essay sample

April Richards My Earliest Recollection of Dance My earliest recollection of dance up until now is when I was around 8 or 9 years old I would go to my aunts house for summer vacations and spring break to spend with my cousin who was 6 years older than me.My cousins are half Bohemian and American but they loved the Caribbean music, so my cousin would turn the TV off and crank up the stereo and she would show me ways to whine my hips and radically we would move on to at the time what was now as Miami Bass music and booty popping music and for about 2 to 3 hours a day a we would dance in front of the big mirror that lined the living wall and dance from the Caribbean to 2 live crew. In high school I was apart a dance group at my church and there is when I learned about liturgical dancing, mime, and step. We will write a custom essay sample on My Earliest Recollection of Dance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Rtyuiop free essay sample

There are three problems from the textbook for this assignment. I suggest that you work on the problems on your own before you meet with your team. When you do meet with your team, you can discuss your answers and choose the best one or a combination of the best ones for your submission. Please attach each team member’s work to your submission. Your team submission can be hand-written or computer generated or a combination of the two but it must be legible. Don’t worry about making your submission pretty – there are no marks for pretty. Make your team submission legible. Here are my estimates of how long it should take you to complete this assignment Then based on the results of your calculations, write a memo evaluating the relative performance of the three operating divisions. Assume the role of a Swan financial analyst and address the memo to the CEO of the company. We will write a custom essay sample on Rtyuiop or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Your memo should tell the CEO which division performed the best and which performed the worst. 2. Problem 6-21, page 285, Spa Ariana (35 marks) Required If you find any inaccuracies, uncertainties or contradictions, simply state your assumptions and proceed with the requirements.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Emily Sander Murder Case

The Emily Sander Murder Case Emily Sander was a Kansas college student that was reported missing on Nov. 23, 2007. A massive search was launched for Sander, who was last seen leaving a bar with a man identified as 24-year-old Israel Mireles. Investigators said the two met that night at the bar. Sanders car was found the next day in the parking lot of the bar. Mireles worked as a waiter at an Italian restaurant that was located near to the hotel where he lived. When he did not show up for work, his boss went looking for him at the motel. The motel room appeared to be the scene of a struggle and a large amount of blood was in the room. Authorities began a manhunt for Mireles and his 16-year-old girlfriend, Victoria Martens. A rental car Mireles was driving was found in Texas Tuesday where Mireles had relatives. Police believed Mireles may be headed to Mexico. Double Life As the investigation intensified, it was discovered that Sander led a double life as a porn star named Zoey Zane. Family members have confirmed that nude photos of Sander posted to the web were, in fact, Emily Sander; friends at Butler Community College confirmed that Sander was involved in Internet porn. She enjoyed it. She is a young teenage girl and she wanted to be in the movies and enjoyed movies. She needed the extra money, Nikki Watson, a close friend of Sanders told reporters. Nobody in El Dorado knew besides her close friends. Sander was paid 45 percent of the revenue generated by the paid membership site. Investigators said the site had 30,000 subscribers who paid $39.95 a month. Dental Records Confirm Body as Emily Sander On November 29, six days after Sanders went missing, a body of a young woman matching the physical description of Sanders was found 50 miles east of El Dorado, Kansas. Dental records were used to confirm the identity to be that of Emily Sander. An autopsy was performed, but the results were sealed pending the arrest and trial of the killer. Arrest On December 19, 2007, authorities arrested Israel Mireles, 24, in Melchor Muzquiz, Mexico and was held pending extradition to the United States. Mireles was charged in Butler County, Kansas, with capital murder, rape and aggravated criminal sodomy in the death of 18-year-old Emily Sander Mexican authorities knew of the whereabouts of Mireles as early as Dec. 3, but they held off arresting him until Kansas prosecutors guaranteed them that they would not seek the death penalty if Mireles was found guilty of capital murder. Also found in Mexico was Mireles 16-year-old girlfriend, Victoria Martens, who was eight months pregnant, according to police reports. Initially, Martens refused to return to Kansas, even though prosecutors promised that there would be no charges filed against her. According to Victorias mother Sandy Martins, her daughter thought the trip to Mexico was a vacation. Mireles was also charged with aggravated indecent liberties with a child after authorities learned that Martens was pregnant. Trial Mireles was extradited back to the U.S. on June 26, 2009. His trial began on February 8, 2010, and lasted four days. During the trial, the results of the autopsy were presented to the jury.   According to Sedgwick County coroner Jaime Oeberst, Sander was stabbed twice in the chest and strangled with a telephone cord. It also appeared that she had been pulverized from being struck multiple times with a beer bottle. Victoria Martins testified that Mireles claimed that he had been in a fight with a man. The two met later the night of the murder at Martins grandmothers house, then left for Mexico. Mireles attorney said that her client was innocent and that after he and Sander had sex, a man showed up and began fighting with Mireles. He took off and when he returned he found Sander bloody and dead. In a panic, he dumped her body off U.S. 54. Prosecutors said that Mireles showed no remorse whatsoever during the case. He was found guilty of rape and capital murder. On March 31, 2010, he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. He currently resides at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Running Delphi Applications With Parameters

Running Delphi Applications With Parameters Though it was much more common in the days of DOS, modern operating systems also let you run command line parameters against an application so that you can specify what the application should do. The same is true for your Delphi application, whether it be for a console application or one with a GUI. You can pass a parameter from Command Prompt in Windows or from the development environment in Delphi, under the Run Parameters menu option. For this tutorial, well be using the parameters dialog box to pass command line arguments to an application so that itll be as if were running it from Windows Explorer. ParamCount and ParamStr() The ParamCount function returns the number of parameters passed to the program on the command line, and ParamStr returns a specified parameter from the command line. The OnActivate event handler of the main form is usually where the parameters are available. When the application is running, its there that they can be retrieved. Note that in a program, the CmdLine variable contains a string with command line arguments specified when the application was started. You can use CmdLine to access the entire parameter string passed to an application. Sample Application Start up a new project and place a Button component on Form. In the buttons OnClick event handler, write the following code: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ;begin ShowMessage(ParamStr(0)) ; end; When you run the program and click the button, a message box appears with the path and file name of the executing program. You can see that ParamStr works even if you havent passed any parameters to the application; this is because the array value 0 stores the file name of the executable application, including path information. Choose Parameters from the Run menu, and then add Delphi Programming to the drop-down list. Note: Remember that when you pass parameters to your application, separate them with spaces or tabs. Use double quotes to wrap multiple words as one parameter, like when using long file names that contain spaces. The next step is to loop through the parameters using ParamCount() to get the value of the parameters using ParamStr(i). Change the buttons OnClick event handler to this: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ;var j:integer; beginfor j : 1 to ParamCount do ShowMessage(ParamStr(j)) ; end; When you run the program and click the button, a message appears that reads Delphi (first parameter) and Programming (second parameter).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pornography in a Contemporary Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pornography in a Contemporary Culture - Essay Example There are several reasons why it should be treated in such a way. To begin with, it would not be an exaggeration to suggest that many people use pornography as exhaust valve to release sexual tension. Indeed, such movies and clips are primarily targeted at lonely people who would like to experience intimacy, but they are currently not only to do so. In addition to that, it may help a person to deal with tension that may be built inside without any harm to other people around.Another point that should be mentioned that individual people or even couples might watch pornography in order to improve their sexual technique (Strossen 163). There is no doubt that the actors that are featured in such movies have mastered different aspects of this activity and are able to help those who struggle. Indeed, in this case pornography should be seen as a learning material that is watched privately. One can hardly object to the fact that healthy sexual relationship contribute to stability of romantic relationships. That is why to a certain extent such movie can reinforce a relationship.Finally, one should also note that in many countries pornography is a highly develop industry that occupies an important place in the social life. The amount of money that is generated by it is tremendous (Waskul 235). In addition to that, with the economic prosperity comes the quality of the material as well as safety for the actors. In other words, pornography should not be seen as some kind of illegal activity.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Two stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two stories - Essay Example The boy realized that it is easier and simpler to control temper and anger, than to hammer the nails into the wooden fence. Finally, the boy was capable of completely control his anger and temper. He informed his father concerning the new situation of experiencing no anger. The father ten directed the boy to remove the each nail, for the days he was incapable of managing his anger. The weeks passed, and finally the boy informed his father that all the nails have been removed from the wooden fence. The father led his son by hand and led him to the wooden fence. He instructed his son to observe the holes left in the fence. The holes distorted the surface of the fence. In a similar situation, anger distorts and leaves a noticeable scar. The father informed the son that if he strikes somebody with a knife and immediately removes it; the wound will forever be there, despite numerous apologies to the victim. Acha was a famous and renowned artist and sculptor in the ancient world. His sculptural work closely resembled the real inspirational object. On a certain day, Acha had a unique dream. The dream illustrated that immediately after the fifteenth day; he will be captured and taken by the death demon. To protect himself, Acha produced nine statues of the exact image of himself. During the fifteenth day, Acha heard of the coming of the death demon. He immediately stood between the nine statues. The death demon failed to identify him among the statutes. The demon was surprised to see ten, instead of one Acha, uncapable of making a decision, the death demon decided to report back to his master, the death god. The death god was so annoyed; hence he decided to capture Acha himself. On reaching the venue, he saw the ten Achas; the real Acha stood motionless, expressionless and alert. The ten Achas perplexed and confused the death god. He carefully analyzed the situation and then loudly remaerked that the sculpture will

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Christic figure Essay Example for Free

Christic figure Essay The character of Jefferson in Ernest Gaines’ A Lesson before Dying represents a figure upon whom the ridicule and disgraceful lot of his is cast. As a slow witted man, his handicap is treated as typical of his entire race, and this disability as compared to other men is used as a symbol of the inferiority of his whole race. Throughout his experience as an accused and a convict, he comes to realize that his impending death will be of great significance to his race. He realizes that however he chooses to handle this death, whether with dignity or dishonor, will serve to confer this quality upon his entire race. This places Jefferson in a situation that is akin to that in which Christ finds himself during his lifetime, and Jefferson might therefore be considered a Christic figure in the novel. Despite his humanity, Jefferson lays claim to having another nature. When described by his lawyer as being no more able to plot the crime than a hog might have been, Jefferson latches on to this idea and considers himself as not fully human but having the nature of a hog. This connects him to Christ as he too denied the human nature, claiming a more divine one as he walked on earth. Furthermore, just as Jefferson’s â€Å"hog-like† nature precluded his ability to plot and execute the heinous crime of which he is accused and convicted, so was Christ’s divine nature one that prevented him from having the ability to commit the sins of humanity for which he was convicted. Therefore, the connection between Jefferson and Christ might already be seen to be a strong one as they both lay claim to natures that are non-human and that do not admit of the wrongs for which they are falsely accused. Throughout the novel, Jefferson can be seen to reclaim his humanity, after being considered a hog—being called one in the courtroom—and then taking on the nature of the hog in his actions and through his own confessions. He begins to change from his usual dim-wittedness into a more conscious and cognitive being as he is encouraged to think and write the thoughts down in a journal. The reader begins to see his humanity shine through his debased aspect, very much like the humanity of Christ is evident despite his divine nature. Yet, though Jefferson’s humanity represents an elevation (and Christ’s is usually considered a demotion from his deity), Christ’s humanity, like Jefferson’s, might also be seen in a manner of elevation, the way he was elevated on the Cross. Throughout Jefferson’s time in prison, many more people came to visit him—and the visits increased as he neared his execution. This demonstrates his elevation to a place of note and celebrity, akin to that place Christ now has in the world because of his death. Another aspect of his character that connects him to Christ is Jefferson’s admission that he would like to be given a vat of ice-cream. This occurrence, fist of all, points toward the extent to which Jefferson has been denied the pleasures of humanity, as he admits that he has never been granted more than a thimble full of this substance. This might be compared to the way in which Christ denies himself many worldly pleasures in order to maintain his disconnection from the sinful human nature. Secondly, this request might also be compared to one of Christ’s last requests, where on the Cross he asks for some water to quench his thirst. Jefferson’s thirst might here be considered his lifelong deprival of this treat, and in this way both Christ and Jefferson seek to satisfy their thirst before dying. The writer of the novel places Jefferson in the situation of being a representative of his race. As a black man living in the south, Jefferson’s wrongful imprisonment demonstrates the lot of his fellow black persons, who lived in a perpetual state of imprisonment within their black skins and within a system that grants them few freedoms because of the color of this skin. The human race connects him to Christ in that Christ too was human but lay claim to a widely different nature. The Christic comparison continues with Grant’s attitude in Jefferson’s presence, in which at one time Grant repents of his former attitude of reluctance to aid the condition of his race. He also mentions a feeling of being lost, and this too is confessed in the presence of Jefferson. This can be seen as a comparison of Jefferson to Christ, as Christ’s divinity endows him with the power to cause humans to feel their need for a savior—in the same way that Grant feels that Jefferson has the ability to lead him toward salvation. Christ is also the main historical figure that has claimed the ability to elicit repentance, just as Grant has felt the need to repent in the presence of Jefferson. Furthermore, the death which Jefferson is to face is one that is to represent the punishment of his entire black race, and this represents a close comparison to the destiny of Christ, whose death was a representation of the punishment of the sins committed by the entire human race.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Typical Man :: essays research papers

There are days that it would be nice outside and I'll go out for a walk; I'd either go to the park up the block, the Bodega (a Spanish grocery store) at the corner, or a friend's house. I would walk down the sidewalk and it's like I'm a famous person or an expensive car the way guys around me would act, and the thing is that it happens to all women. You get the "looks" by the guy across the street, the "stare" by the men driving by, the "whistles" from the group of guy's sitting on stairs as I walk by, and then there's the occasional "neck-break" when a guy walks by me. All that attention is very uplifting to some and tolerable by most, but when a guy crosses the line and actually speaks his mind, that's when he becomes a sexist pig. In the short story "A&P" by John Updike it's main character Sammy didn't cross the line on being a sexist pig. From the moment the three girls-"Queenie", "that chunky one", and "the tall one"- entered the supermarket he acted like a normal typical man, Sammy couldn't keep his eyes off them. So much in fact that the girl's were a big distraction, " I stood there with my hand on a box of HiHo crackers trying to remember if I rang it up or not"(421). He watched the girls every movement as if they were the only thing that mattered to him at that time; "†¦the girls had circled around the bread and were coming back†¦"(421), "†¦and then they all three of them went up the cat-and-dog-food-breakfast-cereal-macaroni-rice-raisins-seasonings-spreads-spaghetti-soft-drinks-crackers-and-cookies aisle. From the third slot I look straight up this aisle to the meat counter, and I watched them all the way" (422). The three girls obviously had his undivided attention. He deeply and metaphorically describes every striking detail about all three of them. With the chunky one he notices that her bathing suit is new; "†¦it was bright green and the seams on the bra were still sharp and her belly was still pretty pale so I guessed she just got it (the suit)"(421). "†¦and a tall one, with black hair that hadn't quite frizzed right, and one of these sunburns right across under the eyes and a chin that was too long-you know, the kind of girl other girls think is very "striking" and " attractive"†¦"(421); and Queenie, "She came down a little hard on her heels, as if she didn't walk in bare feet that much†¦"(421).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State Essay

This article argues that the first domestic institution in human history was not the family but the matrilineal clan. Engels here follows Lewis H. Morgan’s thesis as outlined in his major book, Ancient Society. Morgan was an American business lawyer who championed the land rights of Native Americans and became adopted as an honorary member of the Seneca Iroquois tribe. Traditionally, the Iroquois had lived in communal longhouses based on matrilineal descent and matrilocal residence, an arrangement giving women much solidarity and power. When nonhuman primate society and earliest human society, identifying sexual competition and the â€Å"jealousy of the male† as the vital issue that needed to be overcome to allow the emergence of the oldest form of family involving â€Å"group marriage†. Primitive communism was based in the matrilineal clan where women lived with their classificatory sisters – applying the principle that â€Å"my sister’s child is my child†. This kinship solidarity empowered women to take action against uncooperative males. Engels identified the â€Å"world historic defeat of the female sex† – the switch from what he called â€Å"mother-right† to â€Å"father-right† – with the onset of farming and pastoralism. This shift from matrilocality to patrilocality manifested itself in men’s increased control in the home. Engels wrote: â€Å"The man took command in the home also.† The book begins with an extensive discussion of Ancient Society which describes the major stages of human development as commonly understood in Engels’ time. In contrast to other contemporary essays on the subject, Engels emphasizes the importance not of primitive psychological development but rather of soc ial relations of power and control over material resources, sometimes related to the development of new technologies. Morgan, whose account of prehistory Engels largely accepts as given, focuses primarily on the first two stages  of Savagery and Barbarism but only ventures as far as the transition into Civilization. The terms Savagery and Barbarism as used by Morgan were meant to be objective and not terms of derision or disparagement as they might be assumed to be then or now. The Pairing Family, first indications of pairing are found in families where the husband has one primary wife. Inbreeding is practically eradicated by the prevention of a marriage between two family members who were even just remotely related, while relationships also start to approach monogamy. Property and economics begin to play a larger part in the family, as a pairing family had responsibility for the ownership of specific goods and property. Polygamy is still common amongst men, but no longer amongst women since their fidelity would ensure the child’s legitimacy. Women have a superior role in the family as keepers of the household and guardians of legitimacy. The pairing family is the form characteristic of the lower stages of barbarism. However, at this point, when the man died his inheritance was still given to his gens, rather than to his offspring. Engels refers to this economic advantage for men coupled with the woman’s lack of rights to lay claim to possessions for herself or her children (who became hers after a separation) as the overthrow of mother-right which was â€Å"the world historical defeat of the female sex†. For Engels, ownership of property created the first significant division between men and women in which the woman was inferior. It develops from the pairing family, as we have already shown, during the time of transition from the middle to the higher stage of barbarism. Its final victory is one of the signs of beginning civilization. It is founded on male supremacy for the pronounced purpose of breeding children of indisputable paternal lineage. The latter is required, because these children shall later on inherit the fortune of their father. The monogamous family is distinguished from the pairing family by the far greater durability of wedlock, which can no longer be dissolved at the pleasure of either party. As a rule, it is only the man who can still dissolve it and cast off his wife.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

64th Republic Day of India

Introduction 64th Republic Day of India – January 26, 2013 Republic Day, celebrated on January 26th every year, is one of India’s most important national events. It was on January 26th, 1950 that the constitution of India came into force and India became a truly Sovereign, Democratic and Republic state. On this day India finally enjoyed the freedom of spirit, rule of law and fundamental principle of governance. The patriotic fervor of the Indian people on this day brings the whole country together even in her embedded diversity. Republic Day is a people’s day in a variety of ways:It’s when regional identity takes a backseat and what matters most is the universal appeal of unity and brotherhood projected by all Indians. The Indian constitution basically stands for the aspirations which ‘the common man of India’ cherishes. Republic Day is a day of the citizen of the country when he is entitled to be ‘all supreme'. Republic Day is celebrate d most majestically in the capital, New Delhi, where symbols of the great nation's military might and cultural wealth are displayed in what is the world's most impressive parade. All Government buildings are illuminated lending the city the atmosphere of a fairyland.This day is celebrated with much zeal and pride all across the nation. Republic Day Significance India gained independence on August 15, 1947. But till January 26, 1950, it did not have the proper law of the land for ruling the country. On 26th January, 1950 the constitution of India came into force and India became a nation state with sovereignty and republic sense. Our constitution was formed by the Indian Constituent Assembly. The Indian Constituent Assembly met on December 9, 1946. The Assembly appointed a number of committees to report on the various aspects of the proposed constitution.The Constituent Assembly had appointed Dr. B. R. Ambedkar as the Chairman to draft the Constitution. The committee finalized the dr aft with 395 Articles and eight Schedules and was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949. The Indian Republic officially came into being on January 26, 1950. January 26 was not some random date picked out of the calendar. It was on this date in 1927, that the Indian National Congress, then fighting its non-violent war for freedom, voted for complete independence as against ‘Dominion Status'.It was the date when members of the Indian National Congress took the pledge to work towards a ‘Sovereign Democratic Republic' of India. The Indian Constitution, the longest in the world, now consist of 397 articles and 12 schedules which provides for a single citizenship for the whole of India. It gives the right to vote to all the citizens of 18 years and above, unless they are disqualified. Fundamental rights are guaranteed to the citizens, equality of religion and so on. The Supreme Court, consisting of the Chief Justice of India and other judges, are the guardia n of the Constitution.It stands at the apex of a single integrated judicial system for the whole country. This is where the fundamental rights of the citizens are protected. 26 January 1950 It was on 26 January, 1950 that the constitution of India came into force and India became a Sovereign Democratic Republic. It was on the same day that Dr. Rajendra Prasad took oath as the first President of India. Read here the first speech delivered by Dr. Rajendra Prasad as the President of India on 26th January, 1950. â€Å"It is a great day for our country. India has had a long and chequered history; parts of it were cloudy and parts bright and sunlit.At no period, even during the most glorious eras of which we have record, was this whole country brought under one Constitution and one rule. We have mention of many Republics in our books and our historians have been able to make out a more or less connected and co-ordinated piece out of the incidents and the places which are mentioned in the se records. But these Republics were small and tiny and their shape and size was perhaps the same as that of the Greek Republics of that period. We have mention of Kings and Princes, some of whom are described as ‘Chakravarty', that is, a monarch whose suzerainty was acknowledged by other Princes.During the British period, while acknowledging the suzerainty of Britain, the Indian Princes continued to carry on the administration of their territories in their own way. It is for the first time today that we have inaugurated a Constitution which extends to the whole of this country and we see the birth of a federal republic having States which have no sovereignty of their own and which are really members and parts of one federation and one administration. His Excellency the Ambassador of the Netherlands has been pleased to refer to the relations and connections of this country with other countries both Eastern and Western.That relationship, so far as this country is concerned, has always been one of friendliness. Our ancestors carried the message of our teachers far and wide and established cultural ties which have withstood the ravages of time and still subsist while Empires have crumbled and fallen to pieces. Our ties subsist because they were not of iron and steel or even of gold but of the silken cords of the human spirit, India has had to face, on many occasions, assaults and invasions by foreigners and she has very often succumbed. But, there is not a single instance of a military invasion or aggressive war by this country against any other.It is therefore in the fitness of things and a culmination of our own cultural traditions that we have been able to win our freedom without bloodshed and in a very peaceful manner. The Father of our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, was not a freak of nature but the physical embodiment and consummation of the progress of that spirit of non-violence which has been our great heritage. We have been able under his matchless leade rship, not only to regain our lost freedom but also to establish and strengthen the bonds of friendship with those — and our thanks are due to them for it — against whose policy we have fought and won.Our Constitution is a democratic instrument seeking to ensure to the individual citizens the freedoms which are so invaluable. India has never prescribed or prosecuted opinion and faith and our philosophy has room as much for a devotee of a personal god, as for an agnostic or an atheist. We shall, therefore, be only implementing in practice under our Constitution what we have inherited from our traditions, namely, freedom of opinion and expression.Under the new set-up, which we are inaugurating today, we hope to live up to the teachings of our Master and help in our own humble way in the establishment of peace in the world. Our attitude towards all countries is one of utmost friendliness. We have no designs against any one, no ambition to dominate others. Our hope is that others also will have no designs against us. We have had bitter experience of aggression by other countries in the past and can only express the hope that it may not be necessary for us to take any measures even in self-defence.I know the world today is passing through a most uncertain and anxious period. Two world wars within one generation, with all their devastation and aftermath of suffering and sorrow, have not been able to convince it that a war can never bring about the end of wars. It is, therefore, necessary to seek the end of wars in positive acts of goodness towards all and the world must learn to utilize all its resources for productive and beneficial purposes and not for destruction.We do venture to think that this country may have a past to play in establishing this goodwill and atmosphere of confidence and co-operation. We have inherited no old enmities. Our republic enters the world stage, therefore, free from pride and prejudice, humbly believing and striving that in international as well as internal affairs our statesmen may be guided by the teachings of the Father of our Nation — tolerance, understanding non-violence and resistance to aggression.It is in such a country and at such a time that it has pleased the representatives of our people to call me to this high office. You can easily understand my nervousness which arises not only from the tremendousness of the task with which our newly won freedom is confronted but also from a consciousness that I succeed in this sphere of activity, though not in office, one who has played such a conspicuous part not only during the period of strife and struggle but also during the period of constructive activity and active administration.You know Sri Chakravarty Rajagopalachari and have experience of his incisive intellect, great learning, practical wisdom and sweetness of manners. It has been my privilege to have been associated with him for more than 30 years and although we might have had occ asional differences of opinion on some vital matters but never have our personal relations suffered by setback and I feel sure that I shall continue to enjoy the benefit of his protective advice in whatever crises I may have to face.My nervousness and anxiety are to no small extent countered by a consciousness that I shall be the recipient of fullest confidence from our Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, the Members of the Cabinet and the Legislature and from the people at large. I shall Endeavour my best to earn and deserve that confidence. Let me also hope that this country will be able to win the confidence of other nations and secure such assistance as it may require in times of need. I have great pleasure in responding to the toast which has been proposed. † Republic Day CelebrationsDate: January 26 (Every Year) Venue: India Gate Highlights: President's Speech, Parade and Caravans (Jhakiyan) of different states This is one of the most colorful and prestigious national festivals and the presence of dignitaries like the President of India, the Prime Minister of India, Union Ministers and foreign delegates also add to the dignity of the celebration. Celebration of Republic Day is different than Independence Day. The difference in significance marks the variation in the pattern of celebration of these two national days. It is a people’s day.On Independence Day, the past is recalled whereas, on Republic Day, the pledge is renewed. Independence Day has rhetoric built in the celebration; Republic Day is without speeches. Republic Day is celebrated all over the country at all the administrative units like the capital cities, district headquarters, sub divisions, talukas, and panchayats. The major ceremonies are held at Delhi and the state capitals. The celebration mood lasts for one week. It consists of the ground preparations, rehearsals, the main display which spills over to the ‘Beating of Retreat’ on January 29.The day has acquir ed the status of a social celebration in which people participate whole-heartedly. The celebration mosaic is studded with activities. Though the Republic Day Parade is the main ceremony, various activities are held from early morning when prabhat pheris (morning rounds) followed by a homage to Mahatma Gandhi – the Father of Nation. The parade is succeeded by sports events in the afternoon. ‘At Home’ functions at the Raj Bhavan, at the District Magistrate’s and at the SDM’s are followed by illumination of public buildings at the provincial capitals and administrative headquarters.The celebrations are universal, total and participatory in which children also take part in a big way. Variations in culture are displayed through colourful attires and folk dances. The parades held on the day traditionally predominates a touch of modernity reflected in the display of might, technology and capabilities of growth in various sectors. The parades symbolizes the might; the tableaux reflects the cultural motifs. Rules for Flag Hoisting in India â€Å"A flag is a necessity for all nations. Millions have died for it. It is no doubt a kind of idolatry which would be a sin to destroy.For, a flag represents an Ideal The unfurling of the Union Jack evokes in the English breast sentiments whose strength it is difficult to measure. The Stars and Stripes mean a world to the Americans. The Star and the Crescent will call forth the best bravery in Islam. † â€Å"It will be necessary for us Indians Muslims, Christians Jews, Parsis, and all others to whom India is their home-to recognize a common flag to live and to die for. † ~ Mahatma Gandhi The Indian Flag is a national symbol and it is respected by every citizen of India. There are certain points to remember while hoisting the Indian Flag. The Indian Flag should be hoisted with the saffron colour on the top. * There should be no flag or emblem either above the National Flag or on its r ight. * If there are multiple flags to be hoisted, they must be placed to the left of the Indian Flag. * During the hoisting of the National Flag, all present must stand to give respect and honour its glory. * The flag cannot be intentionally allowed to touch the ground or the floor or trail in water. It cannot be draped over the hood, top, and sides or back of vehicles, trains, boats or aircraft. * The flag cannot be used for communal gains, drapery, or clothes. The National Flag should be flown from sunrise to sunset, irrespective of the weather. It must be taken out before sunset. Republic Day Parade The main celebrations of Republic Day are held in the form of a colourful parade near India Gate in Delhi. The parade showcasing India's military might and cultural diversity covers a 8 km route, starting from the Rashtrapati Bhavan through the picturesque Rajpath down to India Gate before winding up at the historic Red Fort in Old Delhi. The events of the day begin with the Prime Mi nister laying a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti – India Gate.He then drives up to the central enclosure and awaits the arrival of the President and a Chief Guest of the occasion who is normally a Head of other Country. On his arrival the Hon’ble President meets the dignitaries present and unfurls the National Flag. Following this the National Anthem is played with a 21-gun salute to the National Flag. After this a brief investiture ceremony takes place during which the President presents India's top gallantry awards, the Param Veer Chakra, the Veer Chakra and the Maha Veer Chakra to the outstanding soldiers from the defense services.After this, four helicopters from the armed forces fly past the parade area showering rose petals on the audience. Each chopper carries a flag – the first being the Indian flag and the other three the flags of the Army, the Navy, and the Indian Air Force. The march past begins immediately after the fly past. The President, as Commande r-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, takes the salute of the mechanised, mounted and marching contingents of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Paramilitary forces, Police and the National Cadet Corps.After the march past comes the cultural extravaganza consisting of floats presented by the various states and performances by school children. After the floats, the bravery awards winning children from all over the country enter on elephants. A spectacular fly-past by Air Force and Naval aircraft rounds off this not-to-be missed experience. The parade is followed by a pageant of spectacular displays from the different states of the country. These moving exhibits depict scenes of activities of people in those states and the music and songs of that particular state accompany each display.Each display brings out the diversity and richness of the culture of India and the whole show lends a festive air to the occasion. No other country in the world can parade so many ethnically different people in splen did uniforms as India's Armed Forces. But they are all united in their proven loyalty to the Government elected by the people and in their proud traditions and legendary gallantry. Republic Day Chief Guests Since 1950, India has been inviting head of state or government of another country as the state guest of honor for Republic Day celebrations and parade in New Delhi.Selecting the Chief guests for the Republic Day has more than mere ceremonial reasons. The choice of chief guest every year is dictated by a number of reasons such as strategic and diplomatic, business interest and international geo-politics. Recently India has been inviting dignitaries from South East Asia with the latest being Thailand's first women Prime Minister, Yingluck Shinawatra. Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said Al Said will be the chief guest for Republic Day Celebrations 2013 Here is the list of Chief Guests invited as the Guest of Honor for the Republic Day ceremony held in Delhi. 950 President Sukarno from I ndonesia 1954 King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck of Bhutan 1955 Governor General Malik Ghulam Muhammad of Pakistan 1958 Marshall Ye Jianying of People’s Republic of China 1960 President Kliment Voroshilov of Soviet Union 1961 Queen Elizabeth II from United Kingdom 1963 King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia 1965 Food and Agriculture Minister Rana Abdul Hamid of Pakistan 1968 Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin of Soviet Union President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia 1969 Prime Minister of Bulgaria Todor Zhivkov of Bulgaria 1971 President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania 972 Prime Minister Seewoosagur Ramgoolam of Mauritius 1973 President Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire 1974 President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia 1975 President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia 1976 Prime Minister Jacques Chirac of France 1977 First Secretary Edward Gierek of Poland 1978 President Patrick Hillery of Ireland 1979 Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser of Australia 1980 President Valery Giscard d’Estaing of France 1981 President Jose Lo pez Portillo of Mexico 1982 King Juan Carlos I of Spain 1983 President Shehu Shagari of Nigeria 1984 King Jigme Singye Wangchuck of Bhutan 985 President Raul Alfonsin of Argentina 1986 Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou of Greece 1987 President Alan Garcia of Peru 1988 President Junius Jayewardene of Sri Lanka 1989 General Secretary Nguyen Van Linh of Vietnam 1990 Prime Minister Anerood Jugnauth of Mauritius 1991 President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom of Maldives 1992 President Mario Soares of Portugal 1993 Prime Minister John Major of United Kingdom 1994 Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong of Singapore 1995 President Nelson Mandela of South Africa 1996 President Dr. Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil 997 Prime Minister Basdeo Panday of Trinidad and Tobago 1998 President Jacques Chirac of France 1999 King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev of Nepal 2000 President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria 2001 President Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria 2002 President Cassam Uteem of Mauritius 2003 President Mohammed K hatami of Iran 2004 President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil 2005 King Jigme Singye Wangchuck of Bhutan 2006 King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud of Saudi Arabia 2007 President Vladimir Putin of Russia 2008 President Nicolas Sarkozy of France 009 President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan 2010 President Lee Myung Bak of Republic of Korea 2011 P resident Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia 2012 Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra of Thailand 2013 Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said Al Said Republic Day Awards The national awards for bravery or the National Bravery Awards was started in 1957 by the Indian Council for Child Welfare (ICCW) to recognize and honor children who have performed outstanding deeds of bravery and selfless sacrifice. Every year the ICCW confers these awards to children below 16 years of age.The awards are announced on November 14 (Children's Day) and the Prime Minister presents the awards on the eve of Republic Day. The awardees receive a medal, certificate an d cash as a token of their indispensable courage. These children also take part in the Republic Day Parade atop an elephant. In addition to this, some of them are also granted financial assistance to complete their schooling and professional courses such as medical and engineering (under the Indira Gandhi scholarship scheme). Assistance is also provided to some till they complete their graduation.The Central and State government departments, Panchayats, Zila Parishads, State and Union Territory councils for Child Welfare and also the school authorities have the responsibility of acknowledging the applications for the bravery award. The selection is made by a committee constituted by the ICCW, comprising of representatives from the Secretariats of the President and the Vice-President, various ministries, as well as the Central Social Welfare Board, police, All India Radio, Doordarshan and leading NGOs such as the National Bal Bhavan, SOS, Children's Villages of India, R K Mission and experienced ICCW members.In 1978, the Indian Council for Child Welfare instituted two bravery awards for children under the age of 16, the Sanjay Chopra Award and the Geeta Chopra Award, given each year along with the National Bravery Award. Bravery Awards 2013 The list of Bravery Award winners for the year 2013 was announced by the ICCW on January 18th, 2013. The award is to be conferred to 22 brave children from all parts of the country, the youngest recipient being 7-year-old Koroungamba Kuman from Manipur.The coveted ‘Bharat Award' will be awarded to Tarang Atulbhai Mistry from Gujarat and 11-year-old Gajendra Ram from Chhattisgarh is being felicitated with ‘Sanjay Chopra' award. NameAwardState Renu Geeta Chopra AwardDelhi Gajendra Ram Sanjay Chopra AwardChhattisgarh Tarang Atulbhai MistryBharat AwardGujarat Vijay Kumar SainikBapu Gaidhani AwardUttar Pradesh Akanksha GauteBapu Gaidhani AwardChhattisgarh Hali Raghunath BarafBapu Gaidhani AwardMaharashtra RamdintharaN ational Bravery AwardsMizoram Devansh TiwariNational Bravery AwardsChhattisgarh Mukesh NishadNational Bravery AwardsChhattisgarhLalrinhluaNational Bravery AwardsMizoram E. SuganthanNational Bravery AwardsTamil Nadu Ramith. K,National Bravery AwardsKerala Mebin CyriacNational Bravery AwardsKerala Vishnu M. V. National Bravery AwardsKerala Koroungamba KumanNational Bravery AwardsManipur Sameep Anil PanditNational Bravery AwardsMaharashtra Viswendra LohknaNational Bravery AwardsUttar Pradesh Satendra LohkanaNational Bravery AwardsUttar Pradesh Pawan Kumar KanaujiyaNational Bravery AwardsUttar Pradesh Stripleaseman MylliemNational Bravery AwardsMeghalaya Sapna Kumari MeenaNational Bravery AwardsRajasthan Suhail K. M.National Bravery AwardsKarnataka Gallantry Awards Soldiers, who have performed outstanding deeds of bravery and selfless sacrifice, are awarded the bravery medals, Param Vir Chakra, Vir Chakra and Maha Vir Chakra. Each defense service in India have there own set of gallantry awards that are awarded to the soldiers who have shown courage and valor. Beating Retreat After three days of Republic Day parade, a moving ceremony known as â€Å"Beating Retreat† is held at the Vijay Chowk in New Delhi. This ceremony revives an ancient war custom according to which troops used to stop fighting at sunset.Bugles announcing the sunset would sound in the battlefield. As soon as soldiers heard these bugles they would stand still in the battlefield and war would be stopped for the day. This ceremony held on the 29th of January every year, marks the formal end of the Republic Day celebrations. The ceremony opens with a parade by selected contingents of the armed forces set to scintillating performances by the various armed forces bands. The parade climaxes with all the bands playing in unison. As the bands fall silent, a lone trumpeter picks up the moving tune ‘Siki a mole'.After this performance the hymn ‘Abide with me' is played by the Massed Bands. This hymn, said to be Mahatma Gandhi's favourite, is a permanent feature of the ceremony. At exactly 6 pm, the buglers sound the retreat and the National Flag is lowered to the National Anthem bringing the Republic Day celebrations to a formal end. One by one, the camels and the riders who stand stone-like throughout against the backdrop of the sky, move away from the background. Just after this comes the most visually appealing part of the show. With the click of a button, a thousand bulbs light up the Rashtrapati Bhavan and adjoining buildings.Surely a fitting end to the annual celebrations of the Indian republic! National Anthem of India The National Anthem of India is ‘Jana Gana Mana' which was written and composed by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. It was first sung at the Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress on December 27, 1911. It was officially adopted by the Constituent Assembly as the National Anthem of India on January 24, 1950. THE NATIONAL ANTHEM OF INDIA Jana gana mana adhinayaka jaya he Bharata bhagya vidhata Punjaba Sind Gujarata Maratha Dravida Utkala Banga Vindhya Himachala Yamuna Ganga Ucchala jaladhi tarangaTava subha name jage Tava subha asisa mage Gahe tava jaya gatha Jana gana mangala dayaka jaya he Bharata bhagya vidhata Jaya he jaya he jaya he Jaya jaya jaya jaya he! Translation into English Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people, Dispenser of India's destiny. Thy name rouses the hearts of Punjab, Sind, Gujarat and Maratha, Of the Dravida and Orissa and Bengal; It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas, mingles in the music of Jamuna and Ganges and is chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea. They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise. The saving of all people waits in thy hand,Thou dispenser of India's destiny. Victory, victory, victory, Victory to thee. Preamble to the Constitution of India Just as every book we read comes with a preface, which gives us a brief outline and the central them e of that book, so is the case with the preamble of Indian Constitution. The Preamble being the preface of the constitution lays down the basic makeup of the Constitution. The Indian Preamble highlights the type of society and government it wishes India and Indians to have. For this, it has tried to incorporate the objectives of the Constitution in a nutshell.The Preamble of the constitution has used the noblest words which symbolize the highest principles and values of human creativity and experience. World over, the Preamble of the Indian Constitution is regarded highly for its originality in wholeness of approach in dealing with so many subjects. The Indian preamble wishes India to be a country where there should be no high class and low class of citizens; an India in which all communities will co-exist in perfect harmony. Interestingly, the Indian Constitution is the longest of all the constitutions by any other nation.PREAMBLE WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, are having solemnly resolv ed to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens: JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation; IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ice Storm of 1998 in Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick

Ice Storm of 1998 in Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick For six days in January 1998, freezing rain coated Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick with 7-11 cm (3-4 in) of ice. Trees and hydro wires fell and utility poles and transmission towers came down causing massive power outages, some for as long as a month. It was the most expensive natural disaster in Canada. According to Environment Canada, the ice storm of 1998 directly affected more people than any other previous weather event in Canadian history. Date January 5-10, 1998 Location Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick, Canada Size of the Ice Storm of 1998 The water equivalent of freezing rain, ice pellets, and a little snow was double previous major ice storms.The area covered was massive, extending from Kitchener, Ontario through Quebec to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and also covering parts of New York and New England.Most freezing rain lasts for a few hours. In the ice storm of 1998, there were more than 80 hours of freezing rain, nearly double the annual average. Casualties and Damage from the Ice Storm of 1998 28 people died, many from hypothermia.945 people were injured.Over 4 million people in Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick lost power.About 600,000 people had to leave their homes.130 power transmission towers were destroyed and more than 30,000 utility poles fell.Millions of trees fell, and more continued to break and fall for the rest of the winter.The estimated cost of the ice storm was $5,410,184,000.By June 1998, about 600,000 insurance claims totaling more than $1 billion were filed. Summary of Ice Storm of 1998 Freezing rain started on Monday, January 5, 1998, as Canadians were starting back to work after the Christmas holidays.The storm coated everything in glassy ice, making all forms of transportation treacherous.As the storm continued, layers of ice built up, weighing down power lines and poles, and causing massive power outages.At the height of the ice storm, 57 communities in Ontario and 200 in Quebec declared a disaster. More than 3 million people were without power in Quebec and 1.5 million in Eastern Ontario. About 100,000 people went into shelters.By Thursday, January 8, the military was brought in to help clear debris, provide medical assistance, evacuate residents, and canvass door-to-door to make sure people were safe. They also worked to restore power.Power was restored in most urban areas in a matter of days, but many rural communities suffered for much longer. Three weeks after the beginning of the storm, there were still 700,000 people without power.Farmers were especially hard hit. Nearly a quarter of Canadas dairy cows, a third of the cropland in Quebec and a quarter in Ontario were in the affected areas. Milk processing plants were shut, and about 10 million liters of milk had to be dumped.Much of the sugar bush used by Quebec maple syrup producers were permanently destroyed. It was estimated that it would take 30 to 40 years before syrup production could return to normal.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Business Plan

Mission Statement Sound Noise, a State of Indiana S Corporation, spotlights unconventional music, merchandise and entertainment typically overshadowed by mainstream ideologies. It speaks to the shared experiences of Generation Y and The Urban Trendsetter. It provides fair compensation to its employees, a fair return to its owners, and a fair royalty to its artists.Goals * Establish and grow The Company into a full service record label, merchandising ND multimedia company * Create a steady stream of revenue from record sales, digital sales, merchandising, licensing and live performances Keys to Success * Focus on creating a consistent stream of high quality songs and music related products * solve problems with Independent marketing, promotional and advertising budgets * Ensure products are delivered on time, financial are managed effectively, marketing and promotional budgets are monitored, and develop successful growth strategies * Focus on internet presence and building the foundat ion for a recognizable web brand Financial Requirements Sound Noise (hereafter referred to as The Company) seeks a capital infusion of $100,000 to continue building on the foundation already established by the company. This money will be used to cover costs associated with creating a consistent stream of music related products, marketing, promotion, and working capital necessary to establish and grow The Company into a successful multimedia organization. We plan to repay the balance of this loan amount in the span of approximately three years. We also plan to immediately begin repayment of the loan Interest at a rate of 6% or $500 per month.Further information regarding these procedures is outlined later in this plan. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Our current sources of income include but are not limited to the following list of products and services: * Retail sales of Cads. DVDs and other multimedia formats * Sales of T-shirts, Jackets, tour books and other promotional merchandise * Royalties and fees earned from performances of recordings on radio and television, on the Internet, in movies, and in commercial venues such as restaurants and nightclubs * Live Performances Recorded Music Sound Noise will spe nd a large portion of their creative energy on writing song lyrics ND composing music.The company commits to producing and recording a steady stream of high quality music for public consumption to equal no less than two songs tots chains, at live shows and over the internet via various online and offline distributors and aggressors. The Company will also sell digital music in the following formats: Complete Album Downloads, Full Track Downloads, Mobile Only Full Track Downloads, Polyphonic Rhinestones, and Arranging Tones. We plan to make these items available through structured licensing agreements with popular online retail (I. E. I Tunes, Music, and Rhapsody). Merchandising ere Company will manufacture and produce a large variety of merchandise at the lowest possible costs.Every piece of merchandise, once sold, becomes a living piece of advertising for our projects, creating a dual benefit for our company and its consumers. These items will include but are not limited to the following: T-shirts, CDC, Posters, Sweatshirts, Hats, Jackets and other collectibles. Live Performance ere Company will focus on live performance venues and the relationships with booking agents as a marketing and advertising supplement to drive record and reassigning sales. Licensing As the owner of the masters and the publisher of our own catalogue of songs, The Company is guaranteed a certain bundle of rights by law. Because we own all the rights, anyone who wishes to use our song must first obtain our permission.A film or IV show needs to borrow only two of these rights: the right to use the actual recording (our master), and the right to use the underlying composition that the master is based on (our song). The permission we give them to use the master is tendered in the form of a contract called a master-use license. The permission we give them to use the song itself is tendered in the form of another contract called a synchronization license. Both these licenses can be combined into one agreement if the publisher and master owner are one in the same. MARKETING PLAN ere Companys marketing will revolve around 4 basic online and offline mediums: Radio, Reviews, Road and Retail.Sound Noise will use the strategies of this plan to attack all four principles simultaneously over the course of the next three years. This Nail determine the true value of The Companys music and validity of our business. To et the most of these 4 mediums we must first prepare a polished and professional press kit and update our online presence. The Company explains in more detail below. The costs for these items are listed in the Start up Cost spreadsheet in the Financial Statement. Professional Press Kit Includes: geography A professional one page biography will be written to provide press, radio and fans with a complete concise story behind the music of The Company. Photo Shoot A full service digital photo shoot will be performed to provide high resolution mages for The Companys Namespace Page, Blob and Press Kits; both online and offline. Electronic Press Kit -An online version of The Companys press kit will be created and maintained to allow for easy access to floggers, Journalist and other press outlets to cover its music. * Download Cards Similar to tunes, this plastic or recycled cardboard business card sized gift cards come with a unique download code to be entered on the web that will collect data about the fan downloading (I. E. ;mail, address, zip code, age, etc. ) * CD Manufacturing Professionally copy of The Companys latest releases. Online Presence * Customized Namespace Layout A new layout will be designed and published at http://www. Namespace. Mom/semiconscious to maximize fan experience and brand exposure on the #1 music discovery destinations on the web. * The Sound Noise Backbone A new Backbone layout will be designed and published to NNW. Backbone. Com/semiconscious. Musicians will also receive their own new designed Backbone page. Backbone will be updated weekly with amps, pictures, video and commentary from The Company. The blob will serve as a two way communication between The Company its fans and stakeholders. Once the professional press kit and updated online presence is complete, The Company will move forward in presenting The Companys products to the mediums that are illustrated and outlined in detail on the following pages.Reviews ere Company will do as much as it can to effectively promote ourselves in the press; however we anticipate the need for a full time publicist. * The Company will pay a full time professional publicist at a rate of $500 per month to secure interviews and reviews in both online and offline publications. The first step in assisting the publicists is to compile a list of appropriate press accounts (I. E. Outlets) in our target racket college press, local magazines and newspapers, fanzines, online press and media, etc. Note that our list will include press that is not primarily focused on music, but which music fans read for example, fashion or auto magazines.Evaluation of our press and publicity efforts will include the monitoring and tracking of single, album and concert reviews, as well as interviews and features regarding our label and its acts. Radio ere Company will do as much as we can to effectively promote our record ourselves to commercial and college radio; however we anticipate the need for an independent radio promoter. The Company will pay a professional college radio promoter at a rate of $500 per month to secure radio spins on BEDS/COM tracked radio stations. In addition, The Company plans to use highly influential online services to market its music to radio. These services will be paid at a rate of $1,000 per month. We will assist the efforts of the radio promoter by creating a comprehensive list of station information. Servicing radio involves providing the MD, PDP, Dos and Promotions/ Marketing Director with full-length CDC and singles, and updating appropriate radio personnel with information on our acts and developments with our label (new leases, upcoming concerts to add to the concert calendar, special promotions in the area, T-shirts, posters, flyers, etc. ). Evaluation of our radio promotion efforts will Include the monitoring and tracking of ads, level of rotation and overall chart statistics (Billboard, BEDS, and College Music Journal). Road En plan to Join The National Association of Campus Activities to maximize the number of paid gigs per year. These shows easily become multi media events a place to sell Cads and other merchandise. * The membership rate for the NCAA is $750 as described in the start section in the financial plan. The Company will also SE online booking agencies to find high profile, paid gig. We will pay those services a total of $500 per month. Retail Marketing While no one element of our marketing mix is more important than the other, we will tie as much of our marketing efforts into retail as possible. The first step will be to build a comprehensive list of music blobs that make sense for The Company. Secondly, we will service the online record stores (I. E. tunes, Rhapsody, music, Amazon MPH, All and more) with current releases, promotional material, and point of purchase advertising. * The cost of distributing The Companys product will be TA rate of $100 per month. Online vs..Offline The Straddle is a term coined by professor/flogger George Howard to explain the difference between online and offline market. The balance act necessary to leverage both worlds is something that is not so often talked about, but one that most successful acts are already doing. * The cost of online and offline advertisement will cost the company $1 500 per month For independent artists, this concept is even more important to grasp. Namespace and other social networks have given rise to a generation of musicians who think they can become an instant success from their opts. Truth is, if you fail to create a real connection with the fans or friends you make online, you will ultimately loose them all offline. Our Street Team The street team is an integral part of The Companys marketing plans, and a significant portion of every artists marketing budget is dedicated to manufacturing promotional items for street team use. The street team will be an extra set of several arms and legs scattered across the country supplementing the efforts of our publicist, radio promoter and general managers. * The cost to properly fund our street team will be $300 per month MANAGEMENT PLAN Brandon Ernest President ; Aaron Fisher Secretary Brandon has managed UPS for 3 years and is looking to take his experiences and knowledge to his own business. He is also musically trained on trombone, guitar, piano, and drums.While Aaron Fisher is a graphic design major looking to take his cameras where ever life leads him. Also equipped with computer gear made by apple overseeing design operations is his dream. Both men are musicians at heart and the music industry is full of heart. Gerard Brooks (aka Rush) UP Operations He is the eldest of 4 children and was raised in a single family home by his mother. His responsibilities, at times, seemed overwhelming in comparison to others his age. His hard knock life bestowed him with a make it happen now attitude. Life has not always been beneficial for him, but deep, perspective thinking and speaking it real is truly evident in his music.Gerard began music Just by making a rhyme for fun in the Once the crowd heard my rhyme, they went wild and I received such an adrenaline rush hence the name Rush. Ralph Kay (aka Picasso) UP of Sales Picasso, the eldest of 3 children, was part of one of the only African American families in the area that had both parents living in the same household. Although a two parent household might sound normal to many people, Ralph understood that it was not at all a normal occurrence. Because of his secure environment, he grew up with a care free, all is right with the world attitude. Nothing seemed to concern or worry him much, still does not. This fosters his ability to paint beautiful pictures with words and use his witty humor along the way.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Marx and Weber on the Transition to Capitalist Modernity Essay

Marx and Weber on the Transition to Capitalist Modernity - Essay Example Thus, the predicate "modern" specifies not historical time, but to the degree of development of on what it is applied. Two moments – the representation of capitalism as universal transhistorical process and the concentrated expression of the capitalistic nature not in its basis, and in its superstructure named by "spirit of capitalism", - the researchers distinguish the concept of M. Weber from similar concepts of his ideological opponent K.Marx. It is possible to be expressed so: Weber adhered to a principle of plurality of historical forms of capitalism and Marx supported the thesis of the uniqueness of capitalism. Â  The ethical additive to the former forms of capitalism allowing them to become modern capitalism, according to Weber, is a qualitative change. Between "old" capitalism what Marx has had time to find, and "new" capitalism what Weber looked at, the distance of the huge size lays. The critical descriptions of capitalism (sale of children in slavery, prostitution, criminality, merciless operation of workers, falsification of products, brutal working conditions and a life, unemployment and poverty) which we meet on pages of "Capital" by K.Marx, should concern, according to Weber’s logic, not to the modern civilized capitalism, but to the vestiges of the old, adventurous capitalism which has historically settled. Â  The main thing, that differs the approach of M. Weber from similar attempts to explain an origin and evolution of K.Marx’s capitalism, is the concept of the motivation of labor activity. Anybody from them at all has not mentioned and has not explained, why the traditional thinking and the traditional attitude to work brakes the promotion to a market economy and interferes with an increase in labor productivity.